धर्म ऐसी चीज़ नहीं है कि उस से बचा जाए। धर्म तो जीवन पद्धति सिखाने का साधन है जिसके बिना आदर्श समाज का निर्माण सम्भव नहीं है। उदाहरणार्थ वैवाहिक व्यवस्था आदर्श समाज की नींव के समान है इसीलिए महिला-पुरुष का बिना विवाह के साथ रहना व्याभिचार कहलाता है, जोकि धर्मविरुद्ध है। माता-पिता के संतान के प्रति और संतान के माता-पिता के प्रति अधिकार और कर्तव्य, पड़ौसी का हक़, विधवाओं तथा अनाथों की समाज पर ज़िम्मेदारी आदि का बोध धर्म के बिना सम्भव नहीं है। सम्पूर्ण सृष्टि के रचियता (अल्लाह सुबहाना व तआला) का किस प्रकार आभार प्रकट किया जाए तथा इस सब के बारे में प्राप्त होने वाले ज्ञान के स्रोत ईशदूत के प्रति श्रद्धा व सम्मान धर्म के भाग हैं। इसके साथ ही इस सम्पूर्ण व्यवस्था को लागू करने के लिए एक साफ़-सुथरी और निष्पक्ष शासन व्यवस्था का क़ायम होना आवश्यक है जिसके बिना अल्लाह के बताए हुए मार्ग पर चलना सम्भव नहीं है। धर्म के विषय में बात करते हुए जब हम दूसरे धर्मों की आलोचना करना अपना मक़सद बना लेते हैं तो उसके नतीजे में बजाय भाईचारे के नफ़रत पैदा होने का अन्देशा रहता है लिहाज़ा किसी की आलोचना से बचते हुए धर्म के विषय में जानकारी देने के कर्तव्य का निर्वाह करना चाहिए।
खाना, पीना और सांस लेना जिस प्रकार से ज़िन्दा रहने के लिए आवश्यक हैं इसी प्रकार कामेच्छा की पूर्ति तन और मन दोनों की सन्तुष्टि के लिए आवश्यक है। जिस प्रकार भूख से व्याकुल व्यक्ति अपनी क्षुधापूर्ति के लिए ग़लत कार्य करने पर आमादा हो जाता है उसी प्रकार कामेच्छा का दमन व्याभिचार को जन्म देता है। इस्लाम ने विधवा विवाह के द्वारा विधवाओं के भटकने और भटकाई जाने का मार्ग ही बन्द कर दिया। पति-पत्नि के बीच सम्बन्ध में दरार, सन्तान सुख से वन्चित होना या किसी दूसरे कारणवश यदि कोई व्यक्ति दूसरा विवाह करना चाहे तो पहली पत्नि के रहते हुए उसको दूसरी पत्नि, तीसरी और चैथी पत्नि तक रखने का इस शर्त के साथ इस्लाम अधिकार देता है कि सब पत्नियों के साथ बराबर का इन्साफ़ किया जाएगा। यहां इस बात को ध्यान में रखना आवश्यक है कि यदि समाज में पुरुषों की तुलना में महिलाओं की संख्या अधिक होगी तभी एक से अधिक पत्नियां रखना सम्भव होगा और अगर इस प्रकार की व्यवस्था न की गई होती तो पुरुषों की तुलना में अधिक महिलाएं होने पर विवाह से वन्चित रह जाने वाली महिलाओं के पास अपनी यौनेच्छापूर्ति के लिए किसी व्यक्ति के संथ नाजायज़ सम्बन्ध बनाकर उसका घर बरबाद करने या फिर वैश्यावृत्ति की राह पर चल कर पूरे समाज को गन्दा करने के अलावा कोई विकल्प न रहता। जो लोग किसी व्यक्ति के दूसरा विवाह करने पर आने वाली स्त्री (सौत) को पहली पत्नि के अधिकारों के हनन के रूप में देखते हैं, वह इस हक़ीक़त को भूल जाते हैं कि अपनी पत्नि से किसी भी रूप में सन्तुष्ट न होने की स्थिति में यदि वह व्यक्ति दूसरी स्त्री को पत्नि के रूप में न लाता तो फिर इस बात के अन्देशे से इंकार नहीं किया जा सकता कि वह उस से अनैतिक सम्बन्ध क़ायम करता जोकि पूरे समाज के लिए घातक सिद्ध होता।
माता पिता का सन्तान के प्रति कर्तव्य है उसको अच्छे संस्कार देना तथा अच्छी शिक्षा के साथ एक अच्छा नागरिक बनाना। इस्लाम का मक़सद इन्सान को इन्सान की ग़ुलामी से आंज़ादी दिलाना है। चूंकि हक़ीक़ी (वास्तविक) मालिक और हाकिम तो अल्लाह है लिहाज़ा अल्लाह ही को वास्तविक मालिक और हाकिम मानते हुए उसके प्रतिनिधि के तौर पर हुकूमत करने वाला व्यक्ति यदि कोई अपराध करता है तो उसको भी वही सज़ा मिलेगी जो आम इन्सान को मिलती है।
अब चूंकि इस्लाम ही एकमात्र ऐसा धर्म है जिसमें जीवन के प्रत्येक क्षेत्र से सम्बन्धितं दिशा निर्देश मौजूद हैं और इस्लामी शासन व्यवस्था में ग़ैरमुस्लिमों के अधिकारों की सुरक्षा को सुनिश्चित किये जाने का प्रावधान भी मौजूद है लिहाज़ा इस्लाम धर्म को पूर्ण रूप से अपनाना और उसके अनुसार सामाजिक आर्थिक व राजनैतिक व्यवस्था क़ायम करना ही आदर्श समाज के निर्माण का एकमात्र उपाय है।
बेहतरीन लेख
Sehmat hoon aapse...
एक बेहतरीन विश्लेषण
आप सभी का शुक्रिया.
यदि आदमी की संख्या कम होने की बजाय ज्यादा हो जाये जो आज कल हो भी रही है,
वहाँ पर क्या आदमी के बारे में कोई बात लिखी है कि उसके भटकने से कोई घर नहीं बिगडेगा। क्या सिर्फ़ औरत ही बिगडती है?
@ जनाब शरीफ़ साहब ! आपके इस उम्दा लेख का ज़िक्र ब्लॉगर्स मीट वीकली 25 में किया गया है।
बराय करम आएं और देखें-
मालिक से डरो और उसकी आज्ञा का पालन करो
@@ संदीप जाट जी ! आजकल मर्दों की तादाद इसीलिए बढ़ रही है कि लोग इस्लाम पर नहीं चल रहे हैं और पढ़े लिखे लोग पेट में ही कन्या भ्रूण को मार रहे हैं। जब वे ऐसा नहीं करेंगे तो मर्दों के बजाय औरतों की तादाद ही समाज में ज़्यादा रहेगी जो कि प्राकृतिक रूप से रहती है, ऐसे समाज में जहां स्वाभाविक धर्म इस्लाम का पालन किया जाता है। इस्लाम का अर्थ है ईश्वर का आज्ञापालन, और मनुष्य का कर्तव्य इसके अतिरिक्त कुछ और है भी नहीं।
हरेक क़ौम अपने पास ईश्वरीय आदेश-निर्देश रखने का दावा करती है लेकिन फिर भी उस पर नहीं चलती। क़ुरआन पर तो अपने ऐतराज़ की वजह से नहीं चलती लेकिन अपने ग्रंथों पर क्यों नहीं चलती ?
अपने ग्रंथों पर चलना आज संभव नहीं है इसलिए नहीं चलते और क़ुरआन पर चलना संभव है फिर भी नहीं चलते। कहते हैं कि यह ग्रंथ विदेशी भाषा में है।
क्या किसी भी सत्य को न मानने के लिए आज यह कोई पर्याप्त कारण है ?
मौत हरेक को आएगी और अपने मालिक को जवाब हरेक को देना है।
बचेगा कोई नहीं।
जिस स्वर्ग-नर्क को आज कल्पना कह दिया जाता है। कल वह सबके सामने होगा।
अपने मन की मौज करके आदमी केवल नर्क में ही गिरता है।
हरेक भाषा में यही लिखा है।
मालिक से डरो और उसकी आज्ञा का पालन करो ताकि तुम्हारा उद्धार हो।
Islam offers HELL and that is all
Allah Promised hell for his followers:
Sura 3:185, "Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception."
This Suras from Quran very clearly says that after death everyone will go to hell fire then judgment.. When a person went to hell fire then how and why it is possible that he/she can come out from hell fire and go to paradise.. no way.. This verse does not say anything about eternal life. This verse very clearly says that every believer in Allah is tasting death means they did not get the life while Jesus promised eternal life and heaven as we read in
John 10:10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
And also every soul is going to hell fire till the day of judgment means they are not reaching heaven. So of course Allah promised hell fire for his believers. There is no chance to go to heaven once you go to hell. Jesus can save you when you are still in this world as He said in John 3:15 "that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
How a person can save himself/herself from hell fire when he/she is already in hell fire? And this verse says that they will be there till the time of Day of Judgment. Do you think a person who is already in hell will get a seat in heaven after judgment? Judgment is a day when people get their sentence and verdict.. and there are no second chances to "make it to heaven" once you have been cast into hell.
And he claims all those who don't follow Islam are going to hell..so according to Muhammad, everyone is going to hell...
"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Submission to Allah), Never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost."(Qur'an 3:85)
Allah promised hell fire for his followers
Jesus promised heaven for His followers.
Yet the Jihad martyrs are pumped up with grand illusions....
And what reward does Paradise bring to the jihad martyr? He is promised a palace of pearls in which are 70 mansions; inside each mansion are 70 houses and in each house a bed on which are 70 sheets and on each sheet a beautiful virgin. He is assured that he will have the appetite and strength of 100 men for food and sex.
This is the fantastic dream that is fed to Muslim boys from their childhoods. Satan promised Jesus things similar to these and more, when he tempted Jesus in the desert.
To a Christian and any other true son or daughter of the true God, these things the Muslim hopes for are loathsome. To a woman it has to be a hell...
Other notable errors in the Qur'an:
More flip flops than John Kerry: The origin of calamity? Is the evil in our life from Satan [38:41], Ourselves [4:79], or Allah [4:78]? Can slander of chaste women be forgiven? Yes [24:5], No [24:23].
Abrogation? "The words of the Lord are perfect in truth and justice; there is NONE who can change His words." [Sura 6:115] Also see 6:34 and 10:64. But then Allah (Muhammad?) sees the need to exchange some of them for "better ones" [Sura 2:106, 16:101]. And it is not for ignorant people to question Allah because of such practices!
What is the punishment for adultery? Flogging with a 100 stripes (men and women) [Sura 24:2], "confine them to houses until death do claim them (lifelong house arrest - for the women) [Sura 4:15]. For men: "If they repent and amend, leave them alone" [Sura 4:16]. Sura 24:2 contradicts both the procedure for women and men in Sura 4. And why is the punishment for women and men equal in Sura 24 but different in Sura 4?
Didn't Allah have a Basic Education?
It just doesn't add up: Sura 4:11-12 and 4:176 state the Qur'anic inheritance law. When a man dies, and is leaving behind three daughters, his two parents and his wife, they will receive the respective shares of 2/3 for the 3 daughters together, 1/3 for the parents together [both according to verse 4:11] and 1/8 for the wife [4:12] which adds up to more than the available estate. A second example: A man leaves only his mother, his wife and two sisters, then they receive 1/3 [mother, 4:11], 1/4 [wife, 4:12] and 2/3 [the two sisters, 4:176], which again adds up to 15/12 of the available property.
Wine: Good or bad? Strong drink and ... are only an infamy of Satan's handiwork. [Sura 5:90, also Sura 2:219]. Yet on the other hand in Paradise are rivers of wine [Sura 47:15, also Suras 83:22,25]. How does Satan's handiwork get into Paradise?
Islam says that the prophecy in Bible has been fulfilled by the advent of Prophet Muhammad. Jesus says in the Bible, John 16:7 and 16:13:
"If I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart I will send him unto you . . .We will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak . . ."
The Comforter was the Holy Spirit, who did come..it was not Muhammad, another blunder in Islam...
Contrast these blunders in the Qur'an (Koran) showing this book is NOT INSPIRED by God with this example of something really divinely inspired and accurate from the Jewish/Christian Bible:
Islam Rejects Christ's Death on the Cross
Muslims have no hope of being saved - because nowhere in the Qur'an does Allah offer redemption. Muhammad himself was unsure if he would ever be allowed into Heaven.
Allah is not the God of the Jews or the Christians. Allah is in fact a Meccan Moon god idol. To confess that Allah is the same God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses is to deny Jehovah God, who is revealed in the Lord Jesus the Christ!
Muslims even deny that Jesus died on the cross; something that was faithfully reported in 4 Gospels. Consider the significance of the fact that no Jew or Roman alive at the time ever openly denied the Scriptural record of Jesus Christ's life, death, ministry or resurrection.
The Qur'an Lies and Covers up the Crucifixion of Jesus by claiming it never happened..
According to the Qur’an, and to Muslim tradition, He was never crucified. There is a verse in the Qu’ran which says that “they have not crucified Him but it was likened unto Him.” In some of their traditions, they claim that it was Judas Iscariot who was crucified on the cross. Their argument is that God, who sent such a great rasool as Jesus the Son of Mary, would never allow him to die such a shameful death on the cross.
Sure 4, 157. That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.";- But they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
Sure 4, 158. 158. Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
Sure 4, 159. 159. And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them;-
Sure 5, 17. Sure 5 17. They disbelieved indeed those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary. Say: "Who then hath the least power against Allah, if His will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and every one that is on the earth? For to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. For Allah hath power over all things."
The Qur’an does not deny Passion Week. Supposedly, as Jesus was on his way to the cross, God tricked everyone by putting someone else in his place and by taking Jesus to heaven. In the final analysis, Muslims have a theological argument against the cross and not an historical one. They reason like this: First, God is almighty. Secondly, he sent Jesus into the world as a great revealer of His law and will. And since God would never allow his prophet to be crucified, therefore, Jesus was not crucified.
As Muhammad was persecuted there is nothing unusual about a prophet like Jesus being persecuted. Muhammad had to flee for his life. There is such a thing as the suffering of Muhammad and of the Muslim community that had recognized his mission as the Messenger of Allah. Some sought refuge in Ethiopia. And then, in 622, he and the rest of his followers migrated to Medina. That marked the beginning of the Islamic (lunar) calendar. So the idea of suffering is part and parcel of the early Muslim Umma. But the idea of complete defeat or failure of a divine messenger is unthinkable. The Jews have this problem also. How could they accept somebody who was crucified? So we have the Qur’anic account of Good Friday, where God rescues our Lord from death at the eleventh hour.
Muslims come from a religious background that has always denied both the historicity and necessity of the cross. Their Holy Book tells them that this central event in the life of the Messiah did not take place, and that someone else was crucified. Allah rescued the Messiah and thwarted the evil plans of the Jews negating the entire New Testament of the Gospel.
As some Muslims claim, some other person was crucified. In other words, when it comes to the heart of the Christian message, Muhammad put in his veto. And this has marked his followers for the last fourteen hundred years. Muslims still veto the cross, even though the rest of mankind, regardless of their religious commitment acknowledges the historicity of that event!
God's Word is redemptive. Where the Christian can see the Word of God consists of both law and gospel, the Muslim's concept is that the Word of God is purely and simply law.
Why are the Gospels Hid from Moslems?
The most important part of the first chapter of Matthew is the wonderful message that accompanied the birth of the Messiah. He was heralded as the Savior of his people. The angel said: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21
the Muslim concept of sin is totally different from the Biblical one. As far as a Muslim is concerned, sins are simply mistakes, transgressions that flow out of the weakness of man. He can atone for them by believing in the message of Muhammad and by practicing good deeds, as required by the shari'a, law. Not so, according to the New Testament. Jesus is the Savior of his people from their sins.
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel – which means, "God with us.”
Matthew 1:22,23
When translated literally Immanuel may be rendered: with us God. It is interesting to note that in the Greek New Testament, this happens to be the emphasis. Immanuel refers to the incarnation of the Son of God. In Christ, God has taken our side, and declared his solidarity with us! Certainly this revealed truth is beyond our imagination. Now the deep spiritual hunger of human beings; whether they are Jews or Muslims, Marxist or heathen, can only be satisfied by Immanuel, the God who is with us. In Christ, God has become our Redeemer.
John the Baptist is known in the Qu’ran under the name of Yahya; however, his mission is not properly described. Nowhere do we even hear a faint echo of the authentic preaching of the Baptist. So, we may not take for granted that Muslims realize that the son of Zechariah called people to look for the Messiah, and introduced him as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering the wheat into his barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
Matthew 3:11,12
Muslims murder 3,000 innocents in New York and expect no criticism.
Muslims murder 202 tourists in Bali and expect no criticism.
Muslims murder 333 schoolchildren and their teachers in Beslan and expect no criticism.
Muslims murder 292 innocents, mainly Kenyans and Tanzanians at two US Embassies and expect no criticism.
Muslims murder 241 US and 58 French peacekeepers in Beirut and expect no criticism.
Muslims fire 4,000 Katyusha rockets into Northern Israel killing over 50 innocent civilians and expect no criticism.
Muslims murder 52 in London and 191 in Madrid and expect no criticism.
Muslims murder 200 in Mumbai and expect no criticism.
Muslims behead Western hostages in Iraq, Buddhist monks in Thailand and Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia and expect no criticism.
Muslims murder 500,000 in Darfur and expect no criticism.
Muslims regard Jews as "sons of pigs and monkeys", and vow to nuke Israel and expect no criticism.
Muslims force women to wear hideous sacks, stone women to death for getting raped and for leaving the home unescorted, engage in honor killings of sisters and daughters for unapproved dating, and expect no criticism.
Muslims danced in the streets and handed out sweets to their kids to celebrate the 9/11 atrocity, and still expected no criticism.
Since 9/11 Muslims have killed over 26,000 and wounded over 50,000 in terrorist attacks worldwide - and expect no criticism.
Since 9/11 Muslims have committed terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Chad, Chechnya, Dagestan, Denmark, East Timor, Egypt, England, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ingushetia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Jordan-Iraq, Kabardino-Balkans, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Gaza-Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Republic, United States, Uzbekistan and Yemen, and still expect no criticism.
Muslims have carried out over 5,800 fatal terrorist atrocities since 9/11, and countless thousands since Islamic conquest began in 623 AD and expect no criticism.
It is NOT a Loving God that runs this religion, but Satan himself!
Islam is nothing but an excuse for a well organized boys club to pillage, rape, lie, and steal in the name and excuse of religion.
Under Islamic law
females are executed for adultery/premarital sex.
Males are not. ?? Does Allah show favoritism? The Most High God does not!
The 16 year old girl told the religious judge, Haji Rezaii, a fundamentalist Muslim cleric, that he should punish the main perpetrators of moral corruption, rather than punish the victims. She took off her headscarf and insisted that she was the victim of an older man's advances. But, her courageous defence angered the judge, who also severely criticised her dress by harshly reprimanding her. The judge then sentenced her to death.
The Arab culture is an excuse to demonize and dehumanize women and young girls! Get away from Islam! It is Lucifer's weapon against women, he hates women because a woman gave birth to Yahushua the Messiah, the real Son of God! Wake up Muslims! Your religion is hell and is leading you to hell! There is eternal life in heaven with Jesus/Yahushua not Allah and Satanic Islam!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
He was in the world, and the world was made by him, the world knew him not. He came unto His own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory), the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:10,11,12,14
The only way to receive eternal life in heaven is through Yahushua, the Only Begotten Son of God
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (I Tim. 2:5).
Under Islamic law
females are executed for adultery/premarital sex.
Males are not. ?? Does Allah show favoritism? The Most High God does not!
The 16 year old girl told the religious judge, Haji Rezaii, a fundamentalist Muslim cleric, that he should punish the main perpetrators of moral corruption, rather than punish the victims. She took off her headscarf and insisted that she was the victim of an older man's advances. But, her courageous defence angered the judge, who also severely criticised her dress by harshly reprimanding her. The judge then sentenced her to death.
The Arab culture is an excuse to demonize and dehumanize women and young girls! Get away from Islam! It is Lucifer's weapon against women, he hates women because a woman gave birth to Yahushua the Messiah, the real Son of God! Wake up Muslims! Your religion is hell and is leading you to hell! There is eternal life in heaven with Jesus/Yahushua not Allah and Satanic Islam!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
He was in the world, and the world was made by him, the world knew him not. He came unto His own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory), the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:10,11,12,14
The only way to receive eternal life in heaven is through Yahushua, the Only Begotten Son of God
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (I Tim. 2:5).
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